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    download free sengir +guilty water

    Name: download free sengir +guilty water
    Category: Free
    Published: bovolnasi1978
    Language: English
























    Click on the links to download the PDF Files. University Writing Center. Sample essay #3 : Score 4, George Bush: Man of the Year. Sample essay #4 : Score 3, Ervin Magic Johnson: Man of the Year. The following essays have been selected to illustrate the type of writing appropriate for the Writing Proficiency Exam and to show how the criteria of the WPE scoring guide are applied in making scoring decisions. There are two versions of this file. This one contains the essays and their scores without any comments or analysis from the graders. The second version contains the essays with analysis. Sample essay #1: Score 6, H. Ross Perot Should Be "Man of the Year" Sample essay #2 : Score 5, Magic Johnson As "Man of the Year" Sample essay #5 : Score 3, George Lucas Should Be "Man of the Year" A combined score of "8" or above is passing. A combined score of "6" or below is a "no credit." All "7's" are considered borderline and are re-read by a third grader.




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